

Oh my god, please.

We already had one of his siblings put in an appearance in “Journey Into Mystery”, come on. Thori would make a great villain.

I hope this is ok to ask- What superhero comics would you recommend for a 12 year old girl? Emphasis on age-appropriate and female friendly. Finding stuff is turning out to be a hard task.






In addition to Subatomic Party Girls (because you know I’m going to plug my own stuff), which isn’t actually a superhero book but does have spacce pirates and a talking sea cucumber, there are a few that spring to mind pretty readily.

Supergirl’s Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade is one of my favorite all-ages series, and while it’s certainly kid friendly, fun and cartoony, it’s also really smart, engaging and character focused.

The Spider-Girl series by Paul Tobin and Clayton Henry is also really great, although it was sadly short lived. There’s a pretty amazing Arcade story in there, too. It might skew a little more “teenage,” but it’s the kind of thing I would’ve read at 12, and no “worse” than the later Harry Potter books, really.

Ms. Marvel started out really promising, but I haven’t read enough of it to really give a full-on recommendation yet — I like the creators and love what I’ve read, but “age appropriate” is always a nebulous sticking point.

I remember really loving Shades of Blue, but I have no idea what happened to the rest of the series, if it’s still going, or what.

Thor: The Mighty Avenger was a great series, especially if the girl in question is a fan of the Thor movies.

Sailor Moon is always a good standby, although the manga doesn’t hold up quite as well as the cartoon did, in my opinion, but with the new series coming out, she might be curious about the source.

Atomic Robo is always accessible and great. Clevinger claims he’s not a superhero, but his name is “Atomic Robo” and he fights monsters and has super-powers, so.

EDIT: Oh hey, ericafailsatlife just recommended Batgirl: Year One, which is super great and really fun.

That’s what comes to mind right off the top of my head, as far as strictly superhero books (aside from mine, which is great) but I’m sure people will be happy to recommend more!


Almost put that on the list, but it’s not a superhero book. It is, however, extremely rad.


Seconding “Thor: The Mighty Avenger”. It’s pretty harmless and utterly adorable on several points and even if Jane doesn’t get to do as much as she should, she holds her own and the narrative clearly loves her just as much as Thor does.



Steve Rogers staring down anti-vaxxers who try to tell him that ‘their kids don’t really need it.’

“do you have any idea how bad polio sucked? let me tell you about how bad polio sucked”

And scarlet fever. Let’s not forget that.

Didn’t he survive typhoid, too? And tuberculosis?

Yeah. Yeah, Steve Rogers would be Very Definite about how great it is to have vaccines around.

Post-“Thor” grief!fic

Title: And the Rest is Silence
Canon Point: Post-“Thor” (2011)
Word Count: 8.896
Summary: Loki is dead. Loki took his own life rather than face his family for another moment, and Thor doesn’t understand why it had to come to this. Cast away on Earth, he was as unaware of the sequence of events that led to the shattering of the Bifrost as he was helpless to stop them.

Odin and Frigga do know why, however, and even if they’re too late to spare one son with the truth, they can do that much for the child they have left. At long last, they tell Thor the truth about Loki, how he came to be a part of their family, and where he came to them from. The revelations and the horror that go along with them nearly break Thor as well. However, he does his best to struggle along under the weight of memories of a better past, for the sake of giving his little brother a proper farewell.

Read it here on Ao3

Fanwriter: In my fics there will be epic talks in the car in which Dorian shows his human side… and John too.
AH writers: done.
Fanwriter: I’ll make them call each other sweet names and go and have dinner together.
AH writers: done.
Fanwriter: I’ll write a story in which they casually flirt with each other over morning coffee and have sexual innuendos about the most stupid things.
AH writers: seriously? …done.
Fanwriter: …ok. *starts sweating* In my fic they see each other naked.
AH writers: *raises eyebrow* Please. So 2013. Been there, done that. Twice.
Fanwriter: …What? …OOOK. In my fic Dorian wants to go and live with John.
AH writers: *smirking evilly* …come on, you can do better than that.
Fanwriter: *panicking* ……. Let me think… Just… I know! They’re going to hug! …. *satisfied smirk*
AH writers: Boooooring.
Fanwriter: …
AH writers: …
Fanwriter: …
AH writers: …
Fanwriter: …Sex?
AH writers: …working on it.