

Poor Mark.

AKA on a scale of 1 to Markiplier, how do you deal with the death of your favorite character?

#I’ve heard of this moment but I’ve never seen it#didn’t he like#play the entire game again just to save ashley#lmao I can relate#poor mark#until dawn#markiplier#vid

That is indeed what he did! And then after getting Mike killed at the end, he actually managed to successfully reset before it autosaved the fact, which previously wasn’t known to be possible.

It was a pretty impressive freakout, I gotta admit. Mark really got into shipping Ashley and Chris. His justification for resetting was, and I quote “I am going to make sure that Ashely ends her journey on this mountain as happily as possible, and gets bonezoned by Chris, because that. Is what. Their love. DESERVES!”



And I know you give yourself a hard time about this a lot, but adulting? You have got adulting *locked down*. I genuinely hope to be as disciplined as you are one day. The fact that you know this means asking for help sometimes makes that more impressive, not less. I don’t know how you can continue to care so much about so many things on a daily basis, but it gives me hope for the world – especially when you’re still so enthusiastic. You are such a creative person to the point that it makes me work a little harder, sometimes, especially seeing how you continuously challenge yourself. And you’re determined enough that even Frisk would be impressed. 

Ultimately, it’s just always seemed to me that you know yourself really well? Or at least, you understand how important that is. And not everyone does. And that is really cool.

Not to mention how patient you are, and I know that’s not just the teaching thing, I have known teachers who had no business being around small children. But you are the teacher that future musicians *need*. 



pinterest more like trying to organize your thoughts on things but everything is so interconnected in your mind that you just end up with an even bigger mess

Including layers of mess that you didn’t even know you were capable of.

I’m enjoying the attempt, though. Past a certain point, it’s actually kind of satisfying to me, seeing things all laid out. Especially to me and my innate tendency to categorize.



For those of you with anxiety

There is now a part two!

These are cool, but I don’t understand how they are helpful to someone with anxiety.  Like, is it useful to have a distraction that takes up all of your attention?

I legitimately don’t understand. Anxiety side of Tumblr, please explain.

One of the biggest problems of anxiety is that the thoughts will not get out of your head. Even if the rational part of you goes “this is just the anxiety and these thoughts are ridiculous”, the part of the brain that has the anxiety goes “don’t care, wanna keep screaming.” 

This isn’t the only fix or solution for an anxiety attack by any stretch of the imagination, but websites like these can operate as a sort of white noise – clear out all the thoughts, kind of do a soft reset, and maybe your brain can get its shit together after some time in the metaphorical timeout corner. 

It is indeed useful to have a distraction that takes up all of your attention if what you’re currently being anxious about is something you have absolutely no chance of doing anything about.


HELLO FRIEND. There are no words for how wonderful you are BUT I’M GOING TO TRY ANYWAY. You continually amaze me by how brave and how tough you are. I genuinely could not do what you’re doing. I *sucked* at balancing work and school, but you’re doing it! I wouldn’t have stopped at fantasizing about throwing boiling coffee in some of these asshole’s faces, but you do! That is classy as hell. You are classy as hell. And on that note, god, you are so pretty, *how do you manage to look anything look good*. Because you do. You’ve got such a classically beautiful face. You have such fascinating ideas about media and such fascinating ideas for stories that I never would have thought to consider. Through you, I learn so much. You are my opposite in so many ways, and so I feel more complete in knowing you, and so happy and so blessed to have had the chance. ❤ May we one day be sitting on our rockers on the porch of a nice retirement condo, still chatting it up about terrible fanfiction.







So who wants to complain about Piers Anthony with me

Man, I tell you…

I read probably every Xanth book as a kid (plus a few of his other series that I probably should not have been reading at that age) because all you had to do back then was hand me something somewhere on the fantasy/scifi spectrum and I would gleefully devour it regardless of quality and oblivious to grossness. It’s got magic and dragons and shit, it’s gotta be cool, right??

Much later when I’d gotten older, I started looking back at what I remembered about the series and going “Wow, why the hell was there so much sex?? Especially rapey sex?? Was… was there ever a single female character in any of his books ever who wasn’t a blatant trophy/object/there to make babies so he could write about THOSE kids growing up and having magic sex?”

Kind of a shame, really, since IIRC you’d occasionally bump into things that were actually really interesting or creative concepts/mechanics in his stories, but they’d just be so eclipsed by. Everything else.

And then ONE DAY, someone I knew was absolutely raving about a series of his I’d never read. It was the best thing ever, it changed his life, etc etc etc. I was like fine, I’ll give it a shot. I grabbed the first book from the library and started to read.

It actually made me more uncomfortable than anything else I’d ever read. Like I was legitimately reviled, and I can’t remember ever feeling that way about a book before. It was a concept I would’ve been all over like ants on sugar any other day of the week, but dressed up by extremely boring-ass writing and AverageJoe McHeroDude StraightGuy immediately meeting a gorgeous mysterious trophy woman with a tragic history (that she instantly infodumped on him) and in need of ~*~saving~*~ and uuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. I really, really wondered how a friend I otherwise thought was pretty cool could ever be that into something like this.

welp, sorry for the slight rant, but the topic brought all this bubbling to the forefront of my mind and I figured I’d share since you called for it.

…seriously though, he even explained to us exactly how the magic animated skeletons procreated, just so he could have them do it. And have a human woman awkwardly explain sex to the skeleton, if I’m not mistaken. Don’t even get me started on the love pools or whatever they were called.

motherfuckin cosigned.  i too devoured all the xanth books i could get my hands on in high school before suddenly realizing whoops these are actually really shitty and gross

Like it has similar problems like Xanath. Including trophy women and them only important for connective continuity. And the male characters???? Like i was only interested in one the others were pretty dry. Everything else was so convoluted and muddy too plot wise.

Yeeeaah I could have just emptyquoted these replies, pretty much identical experiences as my own.

The first thing I started noticing was gross was how often he’d write a child character having a curiosity about sex, and like, that’s a “realistic” thing, yeah, kids wonder where babies come from, why certain things are considered “dirty” and what adults are hiding from them, but when an old man goes way out of his way to contrive a running theme out of that in book after book we have an obvious problem.

And it does suck that on the other hand he actually has some awesome concepts for his universes. I LOVED the setup in Xanth every single person is just born with one utterly random magic power, you can never gain more, and you’re considered a “sorcerer” only if your one power is exceptional enough, like raising the dead or shapeshifting, cause other people have powers like “making noses grow on trees” or “turning cheese into different cheese”

Can someone rip that off for a video game without pedophilia in it?

Another creepy moment that was suppose to be “funny,” I guess: he had this giant snake monster in Xanth, just called the anaconda, who could hypnotize only women to walk into its mouth, which sounds like kind of run-of-the-mill fantasy fare except the reason this worked was that an anaconda kinda looks like a big dick. Seriously, it wasn’t a magical power, the female characters were all just instantly mesmerized by the “symbol of manliness” that was this giant woman-eating snake. and it was up to the men to snap them out of it and shield them from the sight of the huge cock-shaped animal so they wouldn’t stand their drooling over it while it killed them. HAHA, WOMEN, RIGHT?

See, I was initially going to chime in with “at least the computer game was fun”.

But then I remembered that the computer game had that legitimately baffling section where Medea the devil keeps trying to seduce you, and if you let her, it’s implied that she sexes you to death? And then there’s that whole bit where Nada gets captured and you find her in a compromising position, and she tells you not to look, and if you admit to looking you get a game over because she hands you over to Medea?

So there was still some weird shit going on that I didn’t pick up on when I was eight.