
The Last Straw.

” Narratively speaking, I haven’t found anything that makes Skye being born in China actually relevant in the slightest sense but for fans it works in giving them the “POC” (I don’t know when Asian became a color, but there’s a lot of things I don’t know) female superhero (I don’t even consider Skye a hero)” Is this a motherfucking joke? wtf is this shit




What? Did someone actually write this? I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised, it sounds like them.

I’m always happy to see how quick they are to erase Chloe Bennet’s identity just so they can get out of having the “race conversation” because, I don’t know, deep down they must know it’s pretty fucked up to be dismissing the victims of a NeoNazi when so many of them are characters of color (what about May? is she white too? Ward sexually abused her and tried to kill her. And Mike Peterson? Ward collaboratd in his imprisonment and the kidnapping of his son). They accuse us of playing the race card (like that accusation alone doesn’t prove they are big fat freaking racists) and refuse to acknowledge the importance of discussing race when talking about how this fandom came to defend a Nazi.

Yes, one can be born in China and be white, but Chloe Bennet is biracial, Skye has never been white, you don’t need to know Skye was born in China of a Chinese mother (though it was nice of the show to do that because it felt like a fourth-wall-breaking FUCK YOU to some people in fandom) to know Skye is not white. It’s really offensive to assume that because you think Chloe Bennet has “passing” Skye is a white character. Or do the pro-Ward people assume Skye looks at herself in the mirror and thinks she’s white? Nevermind that in THE THIRD EPISODE we had a reference to her “complexion”.

And hey, nice offhand dismissal of fans of color who want diversity in their shows as if that were such an irrelevant thing. Of course the fact that our protagonist is not white is not relevant for these people. Narratively speaking? What about character-wise? Doesn’t it add a layer to Skye’s childhood trauma? Or you don’t think a biracial kid whose adoptive parents keeps sending her back to the orphanage is going to take the experience of rejection in a different way to a white kid? Don’t you think Skye’s race has informed her history as a hacktivist and justice warrior? That her belonging to an oppressed group might have played a role in why she is so extraordinarily sympathetic and why she positions herself on the victim’s side always and first? That her not being white puts another twist on how risky her life as a homeless woman could have been? And the fact that a biracial uneducated homeless girl has become The Inspirer figure to almost every character around her – doesn’t it say something not just about Skye but about the kind of people other characters are? A girl from a risk group who isn’t white being accepted into a big government agency and praised by her peers for her contributions? Becoming one of the main pillars of the rebuilding of SHIELD? I find that incredibly relevant. Fuck anyone who says the race of a character does not matter for the narrative. Fuck anyone who says that the race of a character does not matter. And thematically? Skye’s mother being a Chinese woman aprehended, tortured and killed by Nazis has no relevance? Skye becoming one of the greatest enemies of the white supremacist organization that murdered her Chinese mother has no resonance at all? Really?

As for the “I don’t even consider Skye a hero”. LOL okay, whoever this person is. You know who does consider Skye a hero? The show. Marvel. Basically every other character in the show. The audience, unless they are afflicted by he same rampant misogyny and racism as the people at Stand With A Nazi So yeah, I’m not too worried don’t worry too much that fans for whom the idea of a hero is  sexual predator who works for a white supremacist organization, murders disabled people in cold blood and uses kids as human shields don’t consider Skye a hero. I’m okay with that.

It all boils down to the fact that Marvel’s first tv show has a biracial female superhero as protagonist and that’s a fucking cool thing but some assholes would want to take away from everybody for the sake of Grant Ward, if you can believe that.

*sighs* Well, anon, if the quote is real thank you for letting me know, it’s pretty entertaining in a “oh the humanity” way. Sorry about it turning into a Skye is flawless rant It’s what I do.

Y’all are going to think I’m crazy, because this has been niggling at me for a while – the longer fans try to erase Skye’s (and by extension Chloe’s) ancestry, the more I feel like the show has been trying to draw attention to it.

We know whitewashing is an issue in Hollywood with actresses of color, and I’m not saying this was necessarily what was going on here, but if you look at Skye season 1 versus the Inhuman promo, her hair clearly goes from a medium brown to full on black.  I think the way they’re styling her hair in S2 is intentional too – it draws attention to her eyes, which is where I see a lot of her genetic heritage in play.

In addition to it being a sign of Marvels (and the show’s) confidence in Chloe’s ability to carry the burden of being the central figure of the show (and not scaring fans off because ZOMG NOT WHITE), I think it really is another example of Mo and Jed going “hey guys – do we have to spell EVERYTHING out for you?”.

I think you might be right – having them make her heritage such a carefully deliberate and frontal part of the past few episodes has got to be them spelling it out for the idiot fans, when they didn’t see the need to before because it should be fucking obvious.

Dear fellow lady gamers,


Can you please not say things like “I’m not any less of a gamer just because I have a vagina”? Your vagina is not why people are being jerks to you. Some of us female gamers are unlucky enough to be born without one, and we deal with the same sexist bullshit as the rest of you.

With love and solidarity,

a trans girl gamer.












Fuck I’m at a fencing tournament and literally a minute after I reblogged this my dad told me that he talked to the point people and I’m probably going to win a medal.



I need to follow up to say I reblogged this last night, and this morning I got some of the best news of my life, like, a life dream come true news thing.

Bagel what are your powers

Lol wtf

Already had the best news of my life a couple days ago, I dare this bagel to top that.

i’ve bene ingoring the bagle but now i think it’s time to give the bagle a chance


I don’t know, this Bagel is gonna have a pretty tough time of it because I’ve been having a really good day.


Impress me magic bagel. I already like you because i’m obsessed with bagels.