
Though Loki may change, Loki remains forever Loki

Loki Matryoshkas. Blood Brothers < Siege Loki < Lady Loki < Kid Loki < Ikol

I couldn’t resist the imagery of Kid Loki consuming that Ikol nibblet in his tiny matryoshka body

…these are fucking brilliant




Roserade by request.

Fun fact – I never even considered using this line until I caught a Budew on a whim to challenge Cyllage Gym.

And then it OHKOed a Fire type with a Grass move, and it all ended with him OHKOing the Champion’s Mega-evolved ace.

Best li’l poisonous bunch of flowers ❤

Sometimes, you just stumble on a winner and know it’s meant to be~!

(Case in point – that Eevee you traded me way, wayback by Cyllage City wound up taking out the Champion’s Mega-evolved ace, too. Best Fairy Bro~!)

The whole of the mission with Kid Loki was to give readers and the whole of the Marvel-Norse mythos, the Loki of the Norse Saga—that is, the Loki that Thor loved as a brother, the Loki that made Thor laugh, the Loki that, when his tricks and schemes passed well into the wicked, brought abject heartbreak and ruin. In the Norse cycles, Loki breaks your heart. But in the Marvel-Norse stuff, he already took his heel turn and while profound and formidable, we never got to see the real tragedy at play; that once upon a time, Loki was everybody’s favorite.

Matt Fraction, http://marvel.com/news/comics/2012/8/17/19248/friday_qa_everything_burns (via watermeloncookies77)

Why Matt Fraction is one of my favorite Marvel writers, okay.



                     Write Real People
                    click and drag game

  • if you want me to add anything just write me. i’ll add that and update the post!

I love all the click and drag games on Tumblr and after I read an article about diversity in YA books, I wanted to make a click and drag “game” myself. (i think this was the article, but i’m not sure, sorry)

The first thing I got for culture was Australian. Well, um… write what you know? XD;;

(Australian, female sex, genderqueer, asexual, chaotic good, chubby and short, impulsive and naive, first letter of name is H. Um, aside from the genderqueer, impulsive, and H part, I think I just selected myself 😐 )

Australian, female sex, genderqueer, bisexual, chaotic good, skinny and tall, shy and brave, first letter of the name is B. How many options does this thing have?

You know, I try not to be an angry person! Really, I don’t. And I’m not so much nowadays – I’ve graduated, so I don’t need snarling rage as fuel to get through the day, and most of society’s and the world’s problems just make me numb.

But god damn. If you park in a handicap space without a tag in your window, I hope your car gets wrecked. I hope the universe specifically put you in that spot – specifically allowed you to steal that spot from my 80-year old grandmother with her arthritis, her vertigo, her cane, her two hip replacements, and her handicap tag – so your car could get damaged. I hope you’re forced to pay for that “convenience” you stole from us with a lengthy and expensive repair job and I hope the car repair garage loses your appointment so you have to wait hours to days.

If you are so much of a self-absorbed jackass that you would rather force my grandmother to walk across a crowded parking lot in 100 degree weather rather than do so yourself, you with your mobility and functioning short-term memory, you deserve what you get. 

I think we should all take a minute to appreciate Episode 10 of Sleepy Hollow, and the way Ichabod responds to the revelation that mistletoe is still a thing with “yes, it was a particularly problematic tradition for young women in my time, too”.

That Ichabod is the kind of guy who would look at a tradition that could be used to pressure women into unwanted sexual situations, and know that it is most certainly not cool for the women getting pressured, rather than the guys who are too “nice” to pressure them. You just know that if he saw that happening, he spoke up about how it was not cool. Because Ichabod Crane really is a good guy.

We need more heroes like Ichabod, is what I’m subtly trying to imply here.

(This random moment of appreciation brought to you by Episode 5×02 of Warehouse 13, who’s plot seems like it can be summed up with “woman gets murdered and it ruins man’s life”.)