






Loki knew about Clint’s family.

And he let them live. Never even mentioned them, didn’t even use them against him.

I’m not sure what to do with this information.


I don’t even think the writers knew about Clint’s family during Avengers

^ mte

pretty sure Clint didn’t even know about his family in Avengers. 


Been there, done that, wrote the fic.

Okay, but here’s another thing – did Loki need to use Clint’s family against him? Hell, by the time he realized that Clint had a family, he had to know that killing them might just give Clint another shot at breaking through the mind control. There’s a very interesting article here that actually goes into how Loki’s mind control seemed to avert some of the usual mind control cliches, especially with its hints that it wasn’t total brainwashing. It was more a nudging into accepting a new state of reality – in this case, the reality of Loki being the boss, not Fury.  Easy enough, for a “soldier” like Clint.

My guess is that he probably used his family as positive reinforcement – “for your loyalty, they will be given places of high honor, they will be taken care of”, that sort of thing. But there definitely seemed to be a kind of mind hive deal going on, so I don’t think he could have hidden it from Clint if he’d killed them.

And Clint definitely seemed to be one of his “favorite” soldiers, so I can see Loki wanting to…bolster him, I guess, if he could. In his own sick, twisted way.

Hell, when you think about it, he might have found Clint’s devotion to his family charming, in the same way that one finds puppies charming – very silly, very fragile, but ultimately precious. After all, Loki really doesn’t have a lot of experience with people actually wanting to be good and devoted fathers, even if Odin didn’t turn up the jackassery to eleven until Thor 2.

Now, do I think that Loki would have killed them if he thought he could get away with it? Also no. He wouldn’t have expected Laura and the kids to pose a threat to him anyway, and going through a mother to get at her kids (you know that Laura would totally have pulled a James Potter) would probably have set off way more triggers in his head than he was remotely equipped to deal with at the time.

So, after a truly shitty week of car troubles and getting moved to yet another new project, guess what arrived to make absolutely everything better?


Why yes, that is a custom amigurumi of Cole from Dragon Age Inquisition, courtesy of the inestimably lovely camebychance! No, there’s no existing pattern for a Cole amigurumi and she basically figured all of this out by herself, why do you ask?

(This actually all started when I told her how much I was coveting a Kid Loki and Leah that were posted on Ravelry, and she started contemplating how complicated the patterns would be. One day, Vyc. One day.)

All the photos here are provided by Vyc herself, as my camera is on the fritz. But really, I’m just using them to show off, since Etsy won’t let me leave a proper review. Cole is currently sitting in my lap as I type this, because he’s actually a damn fine size for lap-sitting.


Here’s a photo from a little before he was completed. The hair was apparently a special trial, but after unraveling some yarn and taking an iron to it, she managed to get him to look like the scarecrow we all know and love.

Seriously, I cannot even begin to squee about the craftwork here. He’s actually pretty respectably sized – even bigger than I was expecting, though I’m bad at measurements. And that only makes the fact that all of his clothes are their own separate items even more impressive! Vyc noticed details about Cole’s outfit that even I never had, and I’ve had him in my party for the better part of several months now.

He’s made of damn fine yarn, too – barely a crack or a gap to be found in any of his clothes, even after a trip through international shipping. He’s actually got a bit of weight to him, which reassures me that this guy and I are going to be together for a while to come.

All things considered, I couldn’t have asked for a better commission experience. Vyc was excellent about keeping in touch and scrupulous about running each stage of the process by me before she continued. Cole arrived when she said he would, in the condition she said he would, and overall I found her prices more than reasonable for the staggering work done.

I would most definitely and happily buy from her again when I have the money, and you should, too. Hell, even if you can’t shell out for an amigurumi, check out the rest of her stock! I also have a keychain from there, and it’s held up pretty well – and I am not kind to my keys, as a rule.


to all cat owners following me….tell your cats that i love them. gently poke their paw pads and let them know i care

I would, but I don’t think Hobbes would understand how it’s any different from all the other times I gently poke his paw pads.

(He is very chill, and I can’t resist his tiny little pawsies. They are very fat and squishy, and I am only human.)


Lady Sif and pizza.

So a good chunk of this weekend has been devoted to Marvel Puzzle Quest.

Specifically, PVP Marvel Puzzle Quest.

And normally I hate hate hate PVP, but a reward for the top 100 is Modern Captain Marvel.

And I would fight absolutely any one of y’all to have Captain Marvel on my roster.

(My roster has grown a lot just from the last couple of events. Suddenly, I’ve gone from having just Sentry as my only three-star character, to Doctor Doom, Mystique, and Classic Bullseye.

Doctor Doom and Mystique fuck up righteous shit together.

So basically my entire Rare roster is made up of villains. On top of picking up Dakken for my Uncommon roster, because fuck it, it looks like the game’s just going to keep throwing covers for Dakken at me.

And I’d really like to get some more heroes up in this joint.

So much as I hate to do it, I’ll probably sell Sentry to make room for Captain Marvel. My alternative at this point is to sell Bullseye, because I’m not really a fan of Bullseye as a character. But his moves seem more in line with my strategy – namely, if you try to drop special tiles on the board, my first impulse is to cut you. Whereas all of Sentry’s powers are Cast from Hit Points to create tiles that might get matched away next round anyway.

Or I might sell the Professor Xavier I got. Really haven’t been too impressed with him – his only ability so far is a passive, I’m not likely to get more covers for him any time soon, and his hit points are too low to really serve as the tank i’d usually use him for for his level.)


DA fandom is very Pro Purple Hawke but tbh i like nothing better than the idea of a blue hawke that is just so. overwhelmingly sincere about everything, and they put their heart into it 100 percent

and their jaded, cynical companions think “they must be joking, right? hawke didnt really just propose eternal friendship to me in this crowded tavern, right?”

but no, hawke really IS swearing on their family honor, in full seriousness, to be your bro 4 life. imagine that

Blue Hawke was my first Hawke, gods love her.

I am officially so sick of how long my hair is that I’m holding it back with a bag-clip.

I am both in desperate need of a hair cut (just another few days) and have officially reached peak 22-year-old. And the promise of getting my hair cut this week is all that’s keeping me from just going “fuck it” and hacking it short with scissors, the same way I did to my bangs.

…fuck it. I think I need to change my hair.



Do you like money? Yeah you do. Have you had your eye on something? Well now you can get it.


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Marvel Cinematic Wikia confirmed that Tom Hiddleston played the Hooded Figure in Avengers: Age of Ultron








Hiddlestoners and Slores Assemble!


Please Remember:  Wikia articles can be edited by anyone and are not official.

(although tbh I believe this one)


Whilst the Wikia can be edited by anyone I also believe that Loki was the hooded figure. 

Official confirmation is basically a formality, at this point. Who the fuck else could it be? I called that it was Loki even before I knew that there was apparently a scene that got deleted.