
man, fuck the dark knight rises.

i know it’s kind of weird that that’s what this photoset makes me think of, but bear with me.

because pacific rim’s defining philosophy was really, really positive, right? it was all about people coming together and helping each other and overcoming adversity—and it got criticized for that. there’s nothing dark or edgy about that message, and lately all movies seem to want to do is be dark and edgy.

so take the dark knight rises, all about moral ambiguity and tortured heroes and blah blah blah, where bruce wayne supposedly pulls a heroic sacrifice only to resurface in the end, alive and well and banging catwoman in florence.

man, that was real selfless of you, bruce. real inspiring.

i guess my point is that i’m sick of faux depth through contrived grittiness in a story that doesn’t even have the balls to commit to its ultimate sacrifice ploy. and it’s not just tdrk, much as i pick on it—it’s all those cynical white guy movies that throw angst and drama at the audience hoping some of it sticks, but still dance around any serious loss and never really go for it.

people died in pacific rim. that surprised me. i was expecting a fun, feel good movie, and it was—but major characters died. as they should have. an optimistic and hopeful movie recognized that sacrifice and death are part of this kind of thing. that’s more than a lot of franchises can say.

i dunno, i found it refreshing that death in pacrim wasn’t cheap or off limits or gratuitous. by the end, most of the pilots are gone. that made the rest of the film so much more heavy. it gave context to a movie about giant robots fighting monsters! it was fucking realistic!!

pacific rim may not be dark or edgy, but it’s still got more balls than half the franchises that are.

Pacific Rim reminded me a lot of, of all things, Lord of the Rings in that regard. Specifically, the story Sam tells Frodo. That even when things are darkest, the light always comes back eventually.

I did really appreciate the fact that this was a movie that had the…yes, the guts to say that humanity is capable of being its best during a massive crises. That was really nice.


the word ‘bisexuality’ is a taboo

it isn’t said on tv. orange is the new black, for example, features a bisexual protagonist who points out the biphobia at one point in assuming she can’t be attracted to multiple genders, but no one Ever says the word and she is ignored and referred to as a straight girl or a lesbian depending on the situation

other bisexual characters later turn out to have been Really Monosexual All Along. or are attractive, promiscuous women with commitment issues

this isn’t a coincidence.

people who are attracted to multiple genders, when asked about it, often describe themselves as “Fluid”. “I’d rather not label it.” “I don’t need to define it.” “It’s just whatever.” as if people are afraid of even implying the b word

this isn’t a coincidence.

the word ‘bisexual’ gets you different reactions in different places. straight people think you’re either faking for attention or a deviant. straight men are afraid of bi men and think bi women are just particularly promiscuous straight girls who want to have threesomes with them

gay men accuse bi men of being in the closet. lesbians accuse bi women of being straight girls going through a phase. and the ones who don’t do either of these things still often assume bisexuals are promiscuous, indecisive, and can’t settle down.

the theme throughout is that bisexually is illegitimate, deceptive, and always a front for something else.

this isn’t a coincidence

people are constantly encouraged to ‘settle down’, to ‘just pick one’, to ‘not be greedy’. abandon bisexuality. you’re really gay. you’re really straight. you’re too young. how can you know you’re bisexual at 16? 18? 20? 25?

this isn’t a coincidence

the word ‘bisexuality’ is constantly, persistently manipulated, by people who aren’t bisexual at all. the meaning twisted on shallow rationale. accused of being transphobic, or of being exclusionary. this has been happening for over 20 years now despite the existence of outspoken trans and/or non-binary bisexuals. whatever they can do to make you not say the word. pick a different one.

this isn’t a coincidence

bisexual people – whether implied or literally, deliberately saying they are bisexual using the word – are constantly rewritten as gay or as straight. gay icon. he was never interested in men. bi actor comes out? headlines say ‘came out as gay’, or articles outright ignore it

it’s never, ever a coincidence. bi erasure is a constant, ongoing thing.


i can’t even think of a witty comment about this whole “is the doctor even human” thing because it’s just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard

Like…even if he just asked it as a *~trivia question~*, it’s one of the most pointless trivia questions in the history of ever.

What the actual fuck, Moffat? Has not bothering with internal consistencies in your scripts left you with too much time on your hands?







A mini twitter rant I thought was worth re-posting here.

Defiantly worth reposting

um no. if i own the book but i cant find it im gonna read a pirated copy online. if i dont want to support the author (im looking at you orson scott card) but i still want to read the book i will pirate it.

Um, no. If I can’t locate the physical copy of a book I own and want to read it immediately, I am not entitled to STEAL a digital copy. I go find the physical book, or dig it out of storage, or wait for my friend who borrowed it to return it, etc, etc. There are books I own in print and ebook form for this very reason. Just because you paid for one copy of a book does not mean you get a second for free.

When you read a pirated book in any capacity, you are supporting piracy. You are telling the people running the site, “I support what you do, I think it’s okay to steal from authors, keep running this site and others like it.” It’s simple supply and demand. If no one downloaded illegal copies, these sites would not exist. People say ‘vote with your dollar.’ Well in this case, vote by not clicking.

Lastly, it is 100% your right to not support any author (or artist) you choose. But doing so through illegal channels defeats the entire purpose of making a statement. Go to the library and read OSC if you don’t want him to get another royalty from you buying his book. That library copy was purchased by legal means and can be read over and over without him earning another dime. Better yet, don’t read him PERIOD. That’s real follow-through. And then when someone asks you what you thought of Ender’s Game, for example, you have a wonderful chance to stand on your soapbox and explain that the book sounded awesome but you didn’t read it because you’re not supporting the author for REASONS.

I understand your points and how you are trying to justify your situation, but that’s exactly what they are—your justifications to steal anyway. Authors get paid royalties only twice a year, and many work a second job to get by. Every sale counts, and if you want more books written in the future, buy and read legal copies.



Remember, too, that it’s not just the authors who are paid to produce that book. Editors, compositors, proofreaders — we all have a hand in bringing books to print and we get paid for the skills we provide.


My favourite thing about the moffat hate tag right now is the hordes of people grossly misinterpreting the “when was it said he wasn’t human” thing from earlier.

If you guys actually read the article instead of using a mob mentality, you would realize that he wasn’t saying the Doctor could be human, he was asking when the earliest moment it was 100% confirmed he wasn’t human.

Come on people, at least read the thing before you criticize the thing

Yeah, and off the top of my head, the earliest moment is right there back in Russell T. Davies’ episodes

It’s a smug, prissy, pointless, condescending as fuck thing to say, especially to a former writer. 

I mean, for one thing, after the shit he’s already pulled I wouldn’t put it past him to try to retcon the Doctor that far, but even setting that aside, this is more a case of “oh my god STFU you self-absorbed prick.”

At least on my end. 


Jesus effing christ.

So come on then. To your DVD collection. In what story do the wise men and women of the BBC stop fudging the issue, and make our hero Not One Of Us. … Fandom, to your work. Yes, Russell, you too.”

Am I the only one who thinks he sounds like a condescending ass here?

Like he’s basically making fun of us by telling us to go check our DVDs. That last line was not necessary at all.

And by the way, Moffat:

ROSE: It’s alien. 
DOCTOR: Yeah. 
ROSE: Are you alien? 
DOCTOR: Yes. Is that all right? 
ROSE: Yeah. 

Russell doesn’t need to check his DVDs. He wrote the freaking lines.

You are most certainly not the only one. Even if Moffat was a good writer – hell, a passable, writer, a functional writer, even – his condescending, smug as fuck attitude would turn me off anything he ever wrote.