
let’s be honest though, millennial hate is totally a thing rich folks started because they’re pissed that we have really unpredictable consumer habits and it isn’t as easy to get us to buy into stuff, so they’re mad we aren’t just money giving/traditional economy supporting machines like they expected us to be

like look at how much millennial hate articles are things like “millennials aren’t eating cereal and it’s hurting the cereal industry” or “millennials aren’t buying houses and that’s bad” or “millennials #1 utmost priority isn’t trying to make as much money as possible” and rich folks are mad about it, so just posturing our unpredictability/nontraditional values as “laziness” gets everyone else on board the hate train in some weird attempt to collectively subdue us

The degree of judgement against millenials not buying into “traditionally American” establishments is baffling and even kind of scary, to me. Seriously, multiple articles have been written about us eschewing traditional weddings or buying houses or similar, like we’re the ones who are somehow deficient in an economy we had no part in breaking.

Why the fuck would I want to live in a house and add more debt onto myself, especially when I want the freedom to move or change careers, especially when I want to live on my own and why the fuck would I need that much space? Why the fuck would I inflict a traditional wedding and all that associated debt on myself? What the fuck does a diamond ring or a white dress mean to me? Why would I have children when I could adopt or otherwise spend my time volunteering instead?

But that’s not an “acceptably” American way to think, so clearly, we’re the broken generation. *rolls eyes*


Mad Max: Fury Road Oscar Wins 

The fact that Axton is not my favorite Borderlands 2 PC is more a testament to how awesome the other PCs are than how little I love Axton.

Because I really do love Axton. 

This is probably the hardest I have ever been on Papyrus in anything Undertale-related I have ever written. And I am including “Three Roads Diverged”, where he died. Possibly even “Kingship”

The author would like to formally apologize and this time I might actually mean it. O_o Part of the reason this chapter is taking so long is because I keep having to take breaks. And occasionally pause to put my face in my hands and go “nooooooo why is this happening why am I doing this to myself…”

But sometimes the story really does feel like it has a mind of its own. 

i feel talentless. i want to be creative. i want to draw. but im 18 going on 19, and i have no artistic ability, and i never come up with anything original. i feel so defeated.


Hey there, anon.

First of all – try not to worry about being creative. Don’t worry about being groundbreaking, or original. Worry about what you enjoy drawing for a while. Try to have fun with it. If you worry too much about whether your ideas are original straight off, you’re not going to get a whole lot done. Start out with what you enjoy, and feel passionate about – get excited about drawing, and build your skill alongside that.

Keep in mind that all artists steal ideas in one way or another. I’m not saying “plagiarise everything,” because that is – well – illegal. But I am saying to look at the artists you like, look at the things you enjoy, and figure out what it is about that style or those ideas that appeal to you so much. And then, make that into something of your own. Your own take, your own spin. 

Second of all, everyone starts somewhere. Some people start in their 20s or 30s. 50s, even. Some even later than that. I wouldn’t worry too much about the starting line – the idea that you’re trying to start at all is awesome.

I’m gonna tell you a little story.

Keep reading