The only Barnes and Noble within a reasonable driving distance of here didn’t get The Brothers Cabal in for some ungodly fucking reason.

Just shoot me. I’m not gonna make it until Thursday for my 2 day shipping.

EDIT: …so, you know what? Fuck it. I’m vibrating with need, and I have the money. Overnighting.



Satisfying things

being a human is so weird

Yeah, but I feel peaceful just looking at this post.


im so aNGRY cos theres a shiny rayquaza on gts and all i need to give is a celebi and i have a celebi but on my pokemon y and i left it at home and the rayquaza will disappear

You’re out of luck anyway, I’m afraid. Just like you can’t put Celebi on the GTS, you can’t offer them in trade for something on the GTS, either.

If you’re in the US, Gamestop is going to have a Diance event staring in late October.

I am, but…quite frankly, my experience with Gamestop has not been great on events so far. 😐 When I tried to get the code for a Pinsirite, they claimed that they’d never been sent the codes, and told me to call Nintendo, who said that they had shipped the codes and didn’t know what the fuck. Apparently, this was far from an isolated incident.

So I figured I’d try my luck and see if someone could spare me that hassle and risk if they had a Movie Even Diancie they wanted less. If all works out and I actually can get a Diancie Code even after being traded one, I’ll just trade it. *shrugs*. I’ve got international buds who could use one.
I do appreciate the head’s-up, though. *nods*


Ok anyone have a green/summer Deerling for trade?
People in the GTS don’t seem to be able to read or understand what Green/Summer means

Unfortunately, since Seasons were done away with in X and Y, I believe that any Deerling traded over there automatically reverts to its spring Form. 😦 Sorry!




This is killing a human life.

At 23 weeks chances are good that this fetus is being removed because it is:

a) Already dead
b) Suffering abnormalities such as it developed no brain, or had a serious genetic condition that would kill it quickly.
c) Was actively dying (not dead yet but would be within a few days, 100% guarunteed, 0 chance of saving it)
d) Was actively killing the pregnant person.

Late term abortions, as shown here, make up only 1.5% of all abortions. The above four reasons are the only reasons such procedures are performed. Almost every abortion performed after 20 weeks is done on a wanted pregnancy. So you know what that means? You’re calling people who miscarried murderers. You just implied people who had a miscarriage or would have died murderers. How dare you call yourself pro life for that.

Now for the fun fact: They used to use a different procedure for these abortions in which they removed the fetus intact and allowed these people to grieve for the intact fetus, have pictures, etc. Pro lifers decided people losing a wanted pregnancy should not be allowed to grieve an intact fetus and we were left with this.

Congrats. Your movement is the reason they use this one now when people lose a wanted pregnancy late into the pregnancy. Your movement is intentionally making it harder for people to recover from the lose of a much wanted pregnancy. It’s your movement who left grieving people with this instead of allowing them something easier to deal with, something that would let them hold their deceased fetus.

Congrats. If you think you were ‘saving’ something think again. You’re hurting born people. You’re hurting people who lose a wanted pregnancy by shaming this abortion procedure. And you’re movement is the reason this is procedure doctors are forced to use now. You’re probably an awful and mean person to tell people losing a wanted pregnancy that they’re killers.

There are women who are told, “Your baby is going to die, and it will take you too if you don’t kill it right now.”

Let that horror sink in.  This is your baby.  You are excited to have a baby.  You picked out a name, you’re going to classes, you’re reading books.  You have a bassinet and a high chair and a car seat.  Now you have to go kill it, or else.

And then think about the awful people who scream at that woman, shaming and threatening her for deciding that getting this procedure done—grieving, but continuing to live—was the right decision.

Think about those screaming awful people cheering on and praising and praying for a murderer for killing one of the few doctors in the whole country who performs that procedure.

They praise a murderer, while shaming a woman who didn’t want to die.

That’s what passes for “Pro-Life” in this country.