Streaming time!


Gonna start streaming in just a few minutes! Come on over to my channel! And please do bear with me while I hash out the bugs with this emulator – I literally only just got it worked half an hour ago, so further bugs will probably still result.

Our technical difficulties seem to be resolved! Come on over and have some fun!

Streaming time!

So, assuming I can get the various technology sorted out, I am going to be streaming tomorrow, at 10:00 AM CST. We will be streaming an old game, since that was what about half the people asked for. And just because it’s nicer to look at while I hash out the kinks, we will be streaming Legend of Mana

I have not forgotten Reccettear, but due to assorted timezone issues, I’m probably going to be looking for good times to stream that on weekdays. Let me know what times work for you!

The time of the livestream!

So we seem to be pretty split between people wanting me to play Recettear: An Item Shop Tale and an older game, which will either be The Legend of Mana or Breath of Fire III. @milkymoth’s argument that I should play Breath of Fire III to make you all cry has merit, but Legend of Mana has less periods of forced grinding and also a little something for all you Steven Universe fans. So I’m torn. 

And I know there were votes for other games on that list – once I get Recettear off my plate, we’ll go to those next.

Ideally, I’d like to set aside time to play Recettear on one day and go retro on the other. But I can’t decide anything until I know what times work for you guys. So I set up one Strawpoll for days and another Strawpoll for times. The times are pretty generally speaking. Just please be aware that I am operating in US Central Standard Time. That’s what times I’m talking about here. Answer accordingly. I did enable multiple choice answers for these polls, or at least I hope I did. 

The return of the livestream!

So Twitch is a bitch and I seem to have lost all my footage from streaming Undertale. But! I have been thinking lately that I kinda miss streaming for you guys. So I’d like to pick that up again. The problem is that I have a lot of games I could possibly choose from that I’d like to get played at some point. Or at least a lot of games that I could ramble extensively about. 

(She bought too many games, Now she’s gotta play them all) 

So I figure I’d fob the choice off on you guys, since you’ll be watching me. I made a Strawpoll here with some possibilities. Pick your favorite. And I’ll see about finding a regular date that works for everyone later on, since I am once again employed.